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Parish Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation (PREP)

Classes:    Commence beginning of Term 1 on Wednesdays, during each school term

Time    :     4.00 -5.00pm

Place   :     St. Anthony’s Church meeting rooms and hall

Contact:   Parish Office & Sacramental Coordinator:

                  Jeanette Keane Ph: 94051110, Email:

Cost:          To help with running costs and resources.

                     $20 for one child, $30 for two or more children per year

“The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) is a key ministry providing catechesis to children not attending Catholic schools in the parish. The preparation for and celebration of the Sacraments for school aged children is family focused, parish based and supported by religious instruction by the Catholic Schools and the Parish Religious Education Programme (PREP). Families work in partnership with the parish priest and those who are preparing the child. With their support, they ensure the readiness of the child to receive the sacraments and in collaboration with them, discern when the child is ready.” Sacramental Policy for School aged Children Archdiocese of Perth


Parents whose children attend government, independent, Trinity and Mercedes schools and wish to enrol them in religious instruction classes for preparation for the sacraments, need to contact the parish office and complete an enrolment form and receive an information package.  You are required to submit your child/children’s baptismal certificate upon enrolment and other certificates if required. Scanned copies acquired by email will suffice if you do not have originals or your child has been baptised overseas.


Instruction is offered to Years 1-6 and a bridging class if needed, for those children who have not received all the Sacraments. Classes are led by pastorally sensitive catechists trained and commissioned for the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth and commissioned into Parish ministry. All catechists hold a current WWC card and undergo the necessary training for the parish safeguarding practices. The PREP catechists use the mandated Program “Gathered in My Name”, which is designed primarily to assist them in their ministry of sharing with children their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith and preparing them for the celebration of the sacraments.


This program seeks to engage children in developing their faith and deepening their relationship with Jesus. It is designed to help children come to know God and to reflect God’s love and living out the message of Jesus in the Gospels.

To ensure that the children are properly prepared for the Sacraments, it is a requirement that preparation extends over a 2 year period.


It is a prerequisite for parents and children to attend BOTH, a Commitment Mass on the publicised weekend AND a Workshop, and for the child to participate in religious instruction classes for the majority of the course in order to be eligible to receive the Sacrament.  Parents of children receiving religious instruction in Catholic schools outside the Parish need to provide a letter stating the child’s level of preparedness.

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